Dr Lukasz Zadrozny
Academic education:
- December 2021- Masters of Didactics program (MoD), Ghent University, Belgium
- March 2018 – PhD degree, with distinction, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw
- December 2013 – October 2016 – Specialty in Oral Surgery in Central Military Policlinic , Warsaw
- October 2009 – September 2014 – Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw
- October 2003 – September 2008 – Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, DDS degree
Additional activities:
- Editorial Board: Digital Dentistry Section, Journal of Dentistry, Elsevier, IF: 4,379
- Editorial Board polish edition of Implants- International Magazine of Oral Implantology
- Reviewer in Journal of Dentistry
- Reviewer in International Journal of Computerized Dentistry, Quintesence, IF: 1,714
- Reviewer in Journal of Oral Implantology, Allen Press, IF: 1,779
- Active member of DDS
- Active member of EAO
- Courses and trainings in Ghent, Tokyo, Mumbai, Seoul, Pusan, Lisbon, Munich, Frankfurt, Baden- Baden, Budapest, Nuremberg, Koln, Tegernsee, Zurich, Rio de Janeiro, Salt Lake City, Wien, Bratislava, Santiago de Compostela
Achievements and awards:
- Author of 37 published studies, IF=25,646
- Speaker at over 50 Scientific Conferences and over 300 lectures and trainings for dentists in Poland, India, Germany, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Czech Republic
- October 2019, 1st Award for Clinical Poster during Global Conference of Digital Dentistry Society, Baden-Baden, Germany
- June 2018 – June 2019, Member of Board of Young Scientist by Warsaw Medical University
- May 2016, Young scientists grant for study: Comparison of implant surgeries accuracy performed with and without surgical guides- in-vitro study with 3D printing technology.
- One year (01-10-2013 to 30-09-2014) scholarship in Program: Development of science – the development of the region – supporting scholarships and support for Masovia PhD students. Project of the Masovian province self-government system, implemented under the Operational Program Human Capital 2007-2013, Priority VIII Regional human resources, Measure 8.2 Transfer of knowledge, Sub-measure 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies.
- Increased doctoral scholarship, subsidy based on financing pro-quality jobs from the state budget for nine months in the calendar year 2013. Awarded for achievements in the academic year 2011/2012.