Dr Tino Mercado
A/Prof. Tino Mercado, DocMedDent, MDSC (Perio) GCClinDent (Oral Path), MRACDS, FPFA, FICD, Phd.
Tino has been a Periodontist for more than 20 years with private practices in Penrith and Blue Mountains (Specialist Periodontal and Implant Centre). Tino holds an A/Prof position at the Periodontal Post-Graduate Department at the University of Queensland.
His PhD topic and latest publications in peer-reviewed high impact journals are on predictable management of peri-implantitis and management of periodontal recession on teeth and implants using autologous and alternative tissues.
He is the NSW Councillor for the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists and a Periodontal examiner at the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS). He is the Director for Western Sydney and Greater Blue Mountains International Team of Implantology (ITI) Study Club. He is twice recipient of the prestigious National and Health Medical Research Council Scholarship (1998 for MDSc and 2011 for PhD).